Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Best Buy (again!)

Yeah, I know... I should just not do business with companies that have already pissed me off, because it's just setting myself up for disaster.

Anyhow, I decided to buy a new wireless router. I found a great deal, and it happened to be through Best Buy, leaving me no choice but to use them (unless I wanted to wait or pay more money). Since I had to go to the mall anyway, I chose to use the "Store Pick-up" option, which I had never done before.

The order was placed Monday morning. They tell you to expect two emails - the first is an order confirmation and the second tells you the order is ready for store pickup. According to the "Help" section (which I was smart enough to check this time), that second email should come within 60 minutes after your order is placed, if it's during normal store hours (so I guess the first one should come earlier than that).

So Monday came and went. I was pretty sure Best Buy was open on Monday, but since it was Memorial Day, I figured I would give them the benefit of the doubt. However, by Tuesday (yesterday) morning, after I KNEW the store had been open for an hour, I called my "friends" at Customer Care.

First of all, I hate how NOT GENUINE they sound when they tell you that they're sorry to hear that you have a problem. YOU CLEARLY HATE YOUR JOB, SO INSTEAD OF DOING IT POORLY, HOW ABOUT FINDING A NEW ONE. Then they inform me that my order is ready to be picked up at the store, and the emails were sent out. Maybe they were caught in a spam filter? No, they were not, I checked. Well, they're automatically generated, so they can't tell you why you didn't receive them. I AM TELLING YOU THAT THERE IS A PROBLEM, SO DO NOT ACT LIKE IT IS MY FAULT. Seriously, how about trying to get to the bottom of the situation instead of shrugging it off because it's not your area? If you can't help me, get me someone who can.

I hate incompetence. And I hate people who don't even try even more.

Maybe I'll learn my lesson now and actually follow through with my vow to not deal with Best Buy anymore. Given my experiences and that there are sites like out there, I don't know what other evidence I need.


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