Friday, May 27, 2005

Verizon Wireless

Last summer I had the joy of changing my cell phone number from an Ithaca, NY, number, to a Boston, MA, number.

I did this over the phone, because as it turns out, changing your telephone number over the phone sitting on your couch seems a lot more convenient than going to the actual Verizon Wireless store.

Apparently, because Ithaca and Boston are not in the same "region", this requires you use a service called "EZMove," which, as it turns out, is not as easy as it sounds.

So, they go through some spiel about giving me a new customer number and my voicemail being reset - fine. And I get my new number.

A few days later, I try and log onto the Verizon Wireless site with my username and password, so that I can pay my bill, and it doesn't work. So I call them up - in issuing me a new phone number and customer number, they closed my old account.... which means I can no longer log in and have to re-register. AND, I can't have my old username and have to choose a new one. Totally unacceptable. Ohh, and all of those statements online that I'm supposed to have access to for 6 months? Now unavailable. Nevermind that's where I save them from. I can't even pay my previously bill online. Why on earth Verizon Wireless would think that this is a good policy and convenient for their customers is beyond me, because it most certainly is not.

I spend several phone calls with these ridiculous people trying to sort out the statement issue. They won't help me, unless I want to pay some amount of money for each one of them. First they offer to give them all to me, but then refuse to do that. I eventually sort this one out by going into the Verizon Wireless store (remember me trying to avoid doing that?) where the nice guy printed them out for me.

I also had problems with my statement. In issuing me a new customer number, they also changed my statement date. Plus, they double-billed me. Hello, Verizon Wireless, when you issue a statement on the 8th of August where you charge from August 8th - September 7th, and then issue a bill where you charge from August 16th - August 22nd, and August 23rd to September 22nd, THAT IS CALLED DOUBLE BILLING. I know what I'm talking about and your customer service representatives do not. Besides that, I did not want a billing date of the 23rd - I've been a customer since 2001 and was very used to my billing date of the 8th. But according to about half a dozen people I spoke with, I was stuck with this date and everyone in whatever the hell region I'm in is on the same billing date. At one point I was told I could change this, but then everyone else said I couldn't. Guess what? I eventually found someone who was willing to change my billing date, because it is indeed possible. You know why I kept calling to try and have it done? BECAUSE EVERYONE THERE IS A LIAR AND HATES TO ACTUALLY HELP YOU.

This of course was not my first run-in with Verizon Wireless telephone customer service. Back in 2002, I was having problems making calls. When I called Verizon Wireless about it, they informed me that it was because it was a prepaid number so I couldn't make calls outside my area (why I was given a prepaid number in the first place was beyond me), but they couldn't give me a new Ithaca number - they didn't have any. The woman then proceeded to change my number to a Cortland number WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. Guess what? I didn't want that! I had to call back the next day to get a new number, where someone was able to find me an Ithaca number.

I have no qualms with the service I've received in the store but nearly every person I've spoken with on the phone is a complete moron. I now demand to speak to a manager first thing, because I'm tired of repeating myself to people who aren't trained to give me the sort of assistance needed.


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